Monday, February 13, 2023

The Lore of the Heavens

The abyss gazes also into you

The skies hold not their secrets back from you. Forgo a night's sleep and learn...

  • (1 Secret) ...the weather for the next d6 days
  • (2 Secrets) ...of any impending local disaster
  • (4 Secrets) ...the most portentous event of the past day in all the world
  • (8 Secrets) ...the looming fate of kings and nations

Secrets of the Heavens

  1. The vault of heaven becomes your eye. Until you take [DICE] breaths, you see as if looking down form above, from horizon to horizon. At such scale it takes time to pick out anything specific.
  2. Your voice booms like thunder for the next [SUM] words you say. Eardrums burst and noses bleed. You cannot speak until [DICE] sunrises have passed.
  3. Whisper in someone's ear. They have a [HIGHEST]-in-6 chance of being afflicted with lunacy. Each dawn, you must roll again, subtracting 1 or every dawn that has elapsed.
  4. Strange things (frogs, worms, snails) rain from the sky for [SUM] minutes in a radius of [DICE] miles.
  5. For as long as you hold your breath, your weight is reduced [SUM]-fold.
  6. You bring the spheres where'er you walk. Any surface above you (ceiling, tree canopy, etc.) becomes as the sky for [SUM] paces around. The effect moves with you, and lasts...
    • (1 die) ...until you take a breath
    • (2 dice) ...a minute
    • (3 dice) hour
  7. As long as you stand still and chant, a being you indicate is favored or disfavored by the Stars. Any time they fail (succeed) at an action that they might reasonably have succeeded (failed) at, they have a ([HIGHEST-minus-1])-in-6 chance of succeeding (failing) instead.
  8. Peer through a ring of meteoric iron. Sunlight hitting what you see is magnified [SUM]-fold. If you so much as blink, the effect ends.
  9. Speak a message of up to [SUM] words to the Moon, visualizing a single recipient. If they are also looking at the Moon, they hear your message spoken from above.
  10. Until you take a breath, your vision has...
    • (1 die) ...the clarity of the Stars. Darkness is to you as a bright cloudless night.
    • (2 dice) ...the radiance of the Moon. You see the unseen.
    • (3 dice) ...the fury of the Sun. Your gaze scorches like midsummer noon.
  11. During a storm, roll [SUM] dice. Otherwise, roll [DICE] dice. For every result of 6, lightning strikes a point of your indication that you can see.
  12. Advance or reverse the course of the spheres by [SUM] hours. This is not time travel; you are "merely" moving the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Marks of the Heavens

  1. Your eyes are orbs of starry night.
  2. The weather within a few paces changes to match your mood.
  3. You glow faintly in darkness, and shadows pool around you in the light.
  4. Your shadow points in the wrong direction.
  5. Within a few paces, all sounds not made by you are muffled.
  6. Your hair follows the lunar cycle: thick and luscious at the full Moon, bald as an egg at the new.

Dooms of the Heavens

  1. You are weightless while you sleep. If not held down, you will float away.
  2. A baleful star appears above. Those who gaze too long upon it are haunted by twisted visions of your face. Some will hunt you.
  3. A meteor holds your death. The next time you show  your face to the open sky, it strikes you with unerring accuracy. This doom can be averted through a favor from a ruler of the upper air. Afterwards, you can fly.

Monday, February 6, 2023

The Lore of Flesh

The body keeps the score

cw body horror

With a few moments' examination, you can...

  • (1 Secret) ...tell the provenance of any wound or scar
  • (2 Secrets) ...determine the cause of any overt symptom
  • (4 Secrets) ...detect any affliction, even those that give no outward sign
  • (8 Secrets) ...enumerate every disease, poison, or injury the subject has ever suffered

Secrets of Flesh

  1. Increase your strength and resilience to [SUM] times normal. Every heartbeat, you suffer as if you had starved for [DICE] days.
  2. You can safely store or retrieve up to [HIGHEST] handfuls of material inside the body of a willing or helpless living being you touch. More than six inside a human-sized creature causes problems; a horse could hold twice that.
  3. Detach a body part. For [SUM] hours, it continues to function based on the last instruction it received (an eye looks, a hand grabs), then it goes dormant until you reattach it. If left alone too long a part will starve.
  4. Sculpt your face into a new shape, limited by your skill and the tools to hand. Lasts for [SUM] hours, after which your face sags like dough for [DICE] days.
  5. One poison or disease affecting you is...
    • (1 die) ...suppressed for a day.
    • (2 dice) ...cured.
    • (3 dice) ...contained and weaponized. Transfer it to someone else with a touch.
  6. With you assisting in a medical procedure, the probability of success improves by [SUM]x10 percent. Your methods are bloody, off putting, and wholly unorthodox.
  7. Move wounds through living flesh (including from one creature to another) as through...
    • (1 die) ...tree sap
    • (2 dice) ...honey
    • (3 dice) ...water
  8. Injuries, poisons, and diseases affecting up to [DICE] living beings you touch are suppressed. You suffer their combined effects, diminished [SUM]-fold.
  9. Enjoy [SUM] weeks' worth of natural healing in as many heartbeats. [DICE]-in-6 chance of unwanted scarring or mutation.
  10. Regrow a severed appendage over the course of (7 - [HIGHEST]) days. You can choose the form of the replacement, although it must be biologically feasible.
  11. Move [SUM] years of age between two living creatures, a process which requires [DICE] hours of uninterrupted contact.
  12. Open your body like a mouth and envelop a living creature. If the target has exposed skin, [DICE]-in-6 chance that you absorb their flesh into yours, killing them instantly and granting you [HIGHEST]-in-6 of their skills and/or Secrets. You can excrete the extra bulk or use it to fuel your vitality.

Marks of Flesh

  1. Spines, horns, and bony protrusions sprout scattered across your body.
  2. Your unnatural bulk is unmistakeable.
  3. Your voice grows wet and guttural.
  4. Silent screaming faces press against your skin from the inside.
  5. Blood seeps from your pores, leaving a trail behind you and crimson marks on anything you touch.
  6. Fused joints loudly break and heal with every move you make.

Dooms of Flesh

  1. Rumors of your deliciousness spread among the flesh-eaters. The rumors are true.
  2. You shed feral tumors that hunger for human meat.
  3. Your own vigor betrays you. Rapid growth of bone, fat, and muscle, enough to crush you under your own weight before the moon is out. Escape this doom by consuming the flesh of a god--a minor one will do. Afterward, your wayward tumors mature into loyal servants.

Add an air of verisimilitude...